Sunday, April 6, 2014

Perceptions on perseverance after an apparent failure.

Perceptions on perseverance after an apparent failure 

Currency & Exchange didwent Concluded a planned nor according to plan, only about 50% of the show took place. I an the type of taking. responsabilities for my acitions. Not only my promotional time got cut short in 8 days bu I was hospitalized for about 6 days with a small brain annurisum. All this factors added that the activity was not to the standard that I aim for. Nevertheless, I would love to extend my most sincere thanks to all the new supporters and exepctators that came to be part of the activity specillly to . Also to all the suppor to My partner Rodney Brown and Juan Zamora with Fresh Personas. To those of you stilll interested on takin alook to the artistic project you must, contact me direcrly by phone or inbox, and I will make it available to you on youtube via private. viewer. :)

What's next?.... After my recovery I will re-lounch I am positive. :)

I never wanted to recognize what were my physical limits because I've been a relatively healthy individual my entire 33 years of life vigorously break dancing and extremely active. Unfortunately,  close to 3 weeks ago i suffer a small  brain manumission that completely cchanged ALL perception all my physical abilities for ever, still today can't play "6 corrido" any longer like before, textting or computer writing with 1 eye is a pain, tedious and frustrating  and writing this short blog so far has taken me about 15mis without interruptions or deleting.Thus you guys can imagine. because of this just imagine how my music making and future video making will be affected.  The reason for this post are 3 #1 to thank all the people, upporter, Bomba Collegueges family and friends and especially my Life Partner Janet Garcia that I have the spirit and will to AIM for a complete full recovery #2 to let anyone that has never sufered a health fall to NEVER take their good or "bad" health for granted becasue for sure it can turn to worse for no reason. and #3 to Assure my Nostalgia Amarilla &Florida Scene Familiy que vamos' pa encima, UNION UNION Bomba y PLENA LOVE YOU all.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Currency & Exchange Short Film & Video E.P.

Who?: Nostalgia Amarilla Bomba Crew & Acho Brother (Hector Mayoral)
What?: Fresh Personas & Sustantiva Z3pia Presents:

Currency & Exchange Short Film & Video EP

When?: Saturday, April 5th - 2014
Where?: Simone Salsa Studios (Tampa)

Currency & Exchange is an modern artistic visual take into Puertorican Bomba (roots music) from Tampa Bay's band: Nostalgia Amarilla (Yellow Prima).  Our goal is begin a conversation, spark our audience to think in the value of their music of African heritage wherever they are.  In our particular case, Bomba roots music, the oldest genre of the island of Puerto Rico.

Short Film "Movie Poster"

The short film delivers its message trough a total of 4 songs that have an explicit a touch of modernity.
It combines traditional Bomba rhythms with light sporadic sounds and elements of eletronica music.
In addition to the previous, it blends reports of the down turn of global economics and the thoughts of the group's members.

Nostalgia Amarilla, during recording at Roosevelt 2.0
The very last song: "Mercado Negro" (Black Market) by Hector Mayoral "Acho Brother" (close friend of the band since the year 2009).  Mercado Negro is a relatively short song, nevertheless it's very powerful that  concludes the give visual project in absolute a high note, only like Hector know how to do. We in Nostalgia Amarilla are forever greatful for his support, partnership and Friendship. Much more to come.

Mercado Negro (Black Market) Single Cover

In Short, we are humbuly proud to announce that this is the first visual project on its class for the Bomba genre.  It is also our goal to encourage others all over US and Puerto Rico to branch out and look for alternaitve ways to express Bomba.  Of course, having on mind that these alternative ways are truth to the local circumstances of wherever the respective Bomba band, crew or group is located.
Currency & Exchange Short Film & Video E.P. is our first alternative expression of many. Thank you all and enjoy the theatrical trailer.

Fresh Personas & Sustantiva Z3pia © Copywritght MMXIV

Currency & Exchange is Spaking new for you, madd OLD for us!

Yes, the Currency & Exchange project has been an uphill battle that encountered many challenges along the way.  This project was recorded on Tuesday, October 2nd 2012.  However, Executive Producer and Director Allende, G. did not had the opportunity to complete the editing and musical editing of this video until some time November 2013.

Reasons for the delay:  #1 Finances. To finance this project was not very expensive; what was very expensive + dificult was to finance the commute to Wesley Chapel, FL once a week on record gas prices. #2 availabilty of Editor Rodney Brown. Mr. Brown works for a local universtiy that ocupies lost of his time, even on week ends. #3 and more importantly: as Rodney and I kept editing, better and greater ideas kept developing. For example, I thought that I was going to make a 3 single videos, but with so much material + great editing we decided to make it an artistic short film. That's the real way how this project came about.

Currency & Exchange Proposed Album Cover Art

However, Executive Producer and Director Allende G. did not have the Fix: expensive + dificult TO: expensive + difficult Fix: Mr. Brown works for a local universtiy that ocupies lost of his time, even on week ends. TO: Mr. Brown works for a local university that occupies lots of his time, even on weekends. Fix: For example, I thought that I was going to make a 3 single videos TO: For example, I thought that I was going to make 3 single videos Fix: In Short, we are humbuly proud to TO: In Short, we are humbly proud to (this is under Mayoral's pic) Fix: Of course, having on mind that these alternative ways are truth to the local TO: Of course, having in mind these alternative ways are truth to the local Fix: The very last song: "Mercado Negro" (Black Market) by Hector Mayoral "Acho Brother" (close friend of the band since the year 2009). Mercado Negro is a relatively short song, nevertheless it's very powerful that concludes the give visual project in absolute a high note, only like Hector know how to do. We in Nostalgia Amarilla are forever greatful for his support, partnership and Friendship. Much more to come. TO: The very last song: "Mercado Negro" (Black Market) is written by Hector Mayoral "Acho Brother" (close friend of the band since the year 2009). Mercado Negro is a relatively short song, nevertheless it's very powerful and concludes the visual project on absolute high note, only as Hector knows how to do. We in Nostalgia Amarilla, are forever grateful for his support, partnership and friendship. Much more to come! Fix: The short film delivers its message trough a total of 4 songs that have an explicit a touch of modernity. It combines traditional Bomba rhythms with light sporadic sounds and elements of eletronica music. In addition to the previous, it blends reports of the down turn of global economics and the thoughts of the group's members. TO: The short film delivers its message through a total of 4 songs that have an explicit touch of modernity. It combines traditional Bomba rhythms with light sporadic sounds and elements of electronica music. In addition to the previous, it blends reports of the down turn of global economics and thoughts of the groups' members. Fix: Currency & Exchange is an modern artistic visual take into Puertorican Bomba (roots music) from Tampa Bay's band: Nostalgia Amarilla (Yellow Prima). Our goal is begin a conversation, spark our audience to think in the value of their music of African heritage wherever they are. In our particular case, Bomba roots music, the oldest genre of the island of Puerto Rico. TO: Currency & Exchange is an modern artistic visual take into Puerto Rican Bomba (roots music) from Tampa Bay's band: Nostalgia Amarilla (Yellow Prima). Our goal for our audience is to spark conversation and to think about the value of their music of African heritage wherever they may be demographically; in our particular case, Bomba roots music, the oldest genre of the island of Puerto Rico.